Friday, November 21, 2008

The Building Boxes

Through the previous blogs which I have revealed the secret of WWG, we now know the Eight Chamber theory, the Adoption of Earthly Branches, the Six Relatives. We can in fact put these together.

Let’s take the hexagram Sui 隨 as an example.

Sui literally means to follow. In ancient Chinese, when a couple went out of their house, the husband will take the lead and the wife will follow.

The outer trigram of Sui is a Dui 兌 ☱ and the lower trigram of Sui is a Zhen 震 ☳. According to the introduction of Congenital Ba-gua in “Shuo-gua”, Dui is referred as River 澤 and Zhen as Thunder 雷, Sui is therefore referred as River-Thunder Sui 澤雷隨.

From the Table of Eight Chamber, we know that Sui is the Returning Spirit of the Zhen Chamber 震宮歸魂卦. From the Table of Adoption of Earthly Branches, we have Zi 子 for the initial line 初爻, Yin 寅 for the second line 二爻, Chen 辰 for the third line 三爻, Hai 亥 for the fourth line 四爻, You 酉 for the fifth line 五爻, and Wei 未 for the uppermost line 上爻.

Since Sui is a member of the Zhen Chamber, it has the same Wu-xing property as Zhen, i.e. Wood. Hence, we have the Six Relatives relationship as shown.

We were talking about Six Relatives, but in fact, we know there are only 5. Is there any relative missing in the hexagram? What if there is any relative missing? What else still missing here for deciphering?

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