We talked about Jing Fang’s 8 Chambers Theory yesterday. It is the first step of Setting. We still need the next step before we can start to decipher.
The Rules of Na-Jia
For Acquired Ba-gua, we have different properties for different trigrams, which are associated with the weathers they represented. For example, Kan ☵ (坎) for Winter, so the property of Kan is Water. Similarly, we have Wood for Zhen ☳ (震) and Xun ☴ (巽), Fire for Li ☲ (離), Metal for Dui ☱ (兌) and Qian ☰ (乾), and Earth for Gen ☶ (艮) and Kun ☷ (坤). Jing Fang was using it as the base for his “8 Chambers Theory”.
To explain why it works would require some lengthy explanation. Perhaps I should stop here. I rather use the following example “Sui of Zhun” (屯之隨) to demonstrate how it works. “Sui of Zhun” means from Zhun (屯) changed to Sui (隨) . The Changed hexagram can be called Bian-gua (變卦) or Zhi-gua (之卦).
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